Varun R Thakur
Career Coach and Technology Marketing Manager
Through his own journey, story, and experiences, Varun helps young adults find meaning and purpose in their careers and lives.
Nori (short for Eleonóra) is a PhD Candidate in Biophysics from Slovakia where she completed a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Physics at the Comenius University. Curious about the world, she then decided to do her Masters in Norway at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), slowly edging away from Medical Physics to more Theoretical Biophysics. She is currently doing a PhD in Biophysics at NTNU, trying to make smart sensors for different molecules important in Medicine.
I enjoy programming and teaching, both of which I get to do at work. In my free time I like knitting, reading, and trying to apply Physics to human movement (both in theory and practice). So hit me up if you are interested in any of these.