Varun R Thakur
Career Coach and Technology Marketing Manager
Through his own journey, story, and experiences, Varun helps young adults find meaning and purpose in their careers and lives.
After living in Brussels, Stockholm and Paris, Iyas – upon completion of his Master’s degree in Business Engineering at Solvay – decided to leave Europe to work as Exotic Derivatives Risk Trader in New York. Motivated by his will, initiated a couple of years earlier, to continue his commitment in favor of various NGOs, he decided to head back to Paris where he is currently working as financial engineer at Société Générale and developing social empowerment projects.
We live in an unfair world in which children, teenagers, young and old adults are finding it increasingly difficult to find their place. Because what really matters is not how you do things but rather why you do them, I would like us to spend some time on how to realise that – no matter what you want - there will be no simple things, only a simple way to look at them.